If you have enjoyed your yard this summer, then seeing the cool weather of the fall arrive may create a little sadness. If that is the case, now is the time to start planning for all of the time you’ll enjoy outdoors next summer! Believe it or not, late fall and winter is the best time of the year to plan landscaping projects for the spring. Here are just a few things you can do to make your planning a bit easier:

Take pictures of your yard now. Whether you go out with your phone’s camera or a fancy digital model, having pictures of what your yard looks like now will really help in planning for next year. While everything seems familiar today, pictures can be a great refresher after the leaves fall and over the winter.

Make list of “wants” for next year. You may have a list of “wants” for next year. Make a note of those now. Whether it is an outdoor kitchen, a new patio or a three season room, having those notes will be handy during the planning sessions.

Think about problem areas that need attention. Don’t just think about the things that you want for your yard next year, think about the things that your yard needs. Lighting, better drainage, a new front walkway – these are just a few areas that may benefit from maintenance.

Spend time online looking at pictures. Your computer can be a huge source of inspiration. Look for landscaping that you like and keep those pictures handy to show to your landscape designer.

Think about how you use your yard. If you love to entertain, want a hammock for two or a place to play board games outdoors, make sure that use ends up being a core part of the conversation. A good landscape design is more than just pretty to look at!

Taking pictures and making notes this time of year can make it easy to work on landscaping design plans over the winter season. Want some professional help? Give us a call! We’ll be happy to walk your yard with you and help you through the planning process.

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