a new line of coneflowers

ConeFlower with a Butterfly

Over the years, plant breeders have been busy developing a whole new line of coneflowers which are better suited to the residential landscape. The new varieties also include a lot of new and bold colors including deep magenta, white, orange, yellow, and red. Utilizing these flowers in your landscape can create a beautiful array of hues.

But it’s not just color that was improved in the new coneflowers. In the past, while the original variety of coneflower had petals that always drooped down, the petals on the improved varieties have been bred to lay flat—providing a much showier flower.

In addition, the new varieties tend to grow 18 to 24 inches in height which creates a shorter, more compact flower that doesn’t flop over. By late summer the older varieties would start to flop when they grew to their full three-foot height.

With these new and improved varieties of coneflowers available, they make a lovely addition to your front or backyard landscape design.  Here are a few more reasons to consider adding coneflowers to your design.


Deer Resistance:

Though no plant or flower is completely deer-proof, coneflowers are much less likely to be eaten by deer than other plants.


Drought Tolerance:

Even if we have a hot and dry summer, coneflowers are a sturdy flower that can hang tough.


Low Maintenance:

As an all-around tough flower, coneflowers do not require a lot of care and maintenance to thrive.


Butterfly Magnets:

Coneflowers are known to attract a lot of butterflies when they are flowering.


Pow Pow Wild Berry ConeflowerOur Favorite Pick

Of the coneflower varieties, Echinacea “Pow Wow Wild Berry” is one of our favorite perennials to include in landscape plans. Pow Wow Wild Berry grows to be approximately 18 to 24 inches tall and has deep magenta flowers that last six to eight weeks. Other popular varieties include Pow Wow White, Cheyenne Spirit, Sombrero Lemon, Sombrero Hot Coral, and Sombrero Salsa Red. If you add coneflowers to your landscape, plan to provide them with full sun and they will provide you with a huge splash of color in July and August.

Speak With Us About Getting Coneflowers Planted

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